Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The truth is...

Thursday, 17th February 2011

Most people don't listen to a damn word that others say.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

BBBQ - the extra B is for Bravo

Wednesday, 16th February 2011

Brisbane in summer = BBQs under my favourite tree in my favourite park.
On the menu: Fava bean dip, cheese twist pastries, sausages, steak, marinated chicken, potato salad and lamingtons. Oh and bubbly.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Pastel de Nata

Tuesday, 15th February 2011 (to hell with you Blogger... I'm in Australia and marking my own time)

Aaah Pastel de Nata (Portuguese Tart) - the second love of my life.

I hate the custard tarts you get in bakeries in Australia. Detest and despise their insipid, flubbery filling, and the floury awfulness of their crust.

But pastel de natas make my heart and my stomach sing. Creamy eggy custard filling with a slightly toasted top, and flaky, melt-in-your-mouth pastry. Best served straight from the oven and with a sprinkling of canela (cinnamon).

This one was a stumble-across find on Valentine's Day. The boy was most delighted. Happy days when one has love and food.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Star of wonder

Merry Christmas, world.

May 2011 bring food for your hungry, shelter for your displaced, and kindness and compassion for all who call you home.

Monday, December 20, 2010

The brightness beyond

It's been a bit of a dark couple of weeks. But I spy with my little eye brightness beyond.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Flutterby butterfly

Utter blissful tropical loveliness, complete with splendid butterflies chatting up the flowers.

Training myself to read more

Public transport = time to read

One of my new year's resolutions is to stop fucking around with my phone while on the train, and instead read more books.
It's now mid-February and I have so far failed this resolution. What is my obsession with shitty websites?
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